Tuesday, March 26, 2013

BTR Nexus Café™ 28.03.13

Welcome to the Nexus Café

The thirteenth episode of the Nexus Café opens:
Thursday, March 28, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. EDT
(ADT: 7:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. CDT - 4:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. PDT)

Call-in to the café during showtime at: 619.924.0981,

or Toll free 'call-in' to speak with the hosts at: 877.598.1774
for those in the contiguous United States.

We are hoping you will find the Nexus Café to be an intriguing place for you to stop-off and visit from time to time, as well as a place to help stimulate your creative mind and thought, through music, poetry, prose and interpretive readings!
Simply sit back, relax, have a cup of coffee, tea, or chai and a snack, and listen-in as internet personalities DjRoger and DjNatasha spin some interesting musical tracks that are interspersed with a few friends of the NWCU, who will present their written, spoken word, and/or SoundCloud creations for you!

Thursday's episode:

Something to Consider:
"Art in Activist Movements."with Natasha.

• A View from the café's window
on the World
 with Roger.


Spy drone could have almost
brought down a plane in Colorado
Europe's reaction to Cyprus deal mixed.
Cyprus bail out: savers will be raided
to save euro in future crisis
PANDA Oregon marches against the NDAA

Income growth for bottom 90%
of Americans averaged just $59 over 4 decades

More information on Topics:

Bloomberg on Drones over NYC
Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act

 Artic Change Reverberates Around Globe
DHS under fire for buying of another 360,000 bullets

Social Sprite's Tip of the Week:
"LinkedIn Much?"

"If not, here's why you should be!"


Natasha interviews:
Matthew Charles Hatt 
artist, experimental music,

 and photographer.
...a selection of compositions from:

Marc Creamore
Ben Ditmars
Beth Winter

and more about our creatives:

Matthew Charles Hatt:

Moloch: Calculated Kaos
Moloch: SoundCloud

Twitter: @CactusNeon

Ben Ditmars:

Nice Old Spice
Benjamin Ditmars on Facebook
Twitter: @benditty

Beth Winters:

Eclipsing Winter
Beth Winter on Facebook
Twitter: @Beth_Winter

O.R.M.E./Poppy Silver:

O.R.M.E. on Reverb Nation
Twitter: @ORMEStarfire
Twitter: @Poppy_Silver

Johnny Clyde:

Johnny Clyde on Reverb Nation
Johnny Clyde on Facebook
Twitter: @johnnyclyde

Rabbit in the Moon:

If you would like to be interviewed,
perform a live reading of your work for the show,
or submit a SoundCloud track, please let us know!

For further information go to:

Follow us on our Twitter account at: @Nexus_Cafe

BTR Nexus Café Hosts:
Natasha Lynn Head and Roger Allen Baut

Founding NWCU Coordinators

and Nexus Café Hosts and Producers.

Susie Clevenger: Coordinator
Joanne Young Elliott: Nexus Café Talent and Program Coordinator
  Beth Winter: NWCU Facebook Coordinator
Nexus Café Audio Specialist: Matthew Charles Hatt

Please note: The views expressed on this show
do not necessarily reflect the views
of the Nexus Café, NWCU, or its founders.

...PodSafe Music

Royalty Free Music

Music Alley

Some of the music provided
in tonight's episode is from Mevio's Music Alley
Update 30.03.13


  1. I'm intrigued...sounds like a wonderful event!
    Thank you for the idea to include my poem with the seed pouch ;D @>---------

  2. Sounds a great place. Wish I lived within range. All power to it.

  3. This looks like a great place to hang out at.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
