Monday, April 16, 2012

Social Sprite's Social Media Tip of the Week! 16.04.12

Social Sprite’s Social Media Tip of the Week


The definition of reciprocity on Wikipedia says, “The focus of reciprocity is centered more on trading favors than making a negotiation or a contract with another person.” It also mentions that, “Because there is a sense of future obligation with reciprocity it can help to develop and continue relationships with people.”

So if you want to spread the word about your work on the social media, spread the word about the work of your fellow creatives and partners. This is the model that is used here at New World Creative Union.

When you reciprocate you are also building relationships. This is an important part of social media marketing. Reciprocation and expressing who you are, sharing a little of your life goes a long way toward building bonds online.

Here’s one take on how you can put this into practice.

  Make a list of all the people whose work you enjoy.
ü  Follow them on the various social networks.
ü  Share and retweet their posts about their work.
ü  Mention that you like their work in your own posts. Tell them and your friends.
ü  Get creative in the ways that you share their work.
ü  Soon they’ll start sharing your work with their friends…thank them.

Social media is about reciprocity and not persuasion. Your friends share links to your work because they are passionate about it, but do not try to persuade anyone to like it, just to sample it. Your object is to get your work seen or experienced. Then, when it resonates, it should be easy to purchase.

Visit Joanne's profile to learn more about her and Social Sprite Media Services and how she can help you take your networking to the next level!


  1. Reciprocity! Excellent article Joanne! Thanks for sharing!

    Roger ☺

  2. Love this Joanne! Thank you so much for mentioning this, as it truly is what we are aiming to do.
