Wednesday, November 28, 2012

BTR Creative Nexus 29.11.12

[The Creative Nexus is on the Air]

The twelfth episode of the Creative Nexus: Thursday, November 29, 2012,
at 6:00 p.m. EDT (ADT: 7:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. CDT - 4:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. PDT)

Tune in and come along with Roger and Natasha
as they journey into the world of the Creative Nexus.

Here you'll find an interesting collage of thoughts on Art,
artists, and writers, and explore a world of thought
to enhance and awaken your consciousness.

Call in to the Creative Nexus during showtime, at: 619.924.0981


• Welcome
• Shout-outs
• Events

• Creative Nexus Spotlight:
"Is There Really Freedom of Thought,
Expression and Creativity? Part I.
A Pavlovian Story of Conditioning YOU!" with Roger

Special open lines for this Creative Nexus Spotlight.
Call-in at the toll-free number above. This episode only!
What do think about conditioning?

• Something to Consider:
"Creating My Future." Inspiration
from The Edgar Cayce Handbook, with Natasha

• Open lines and Chat-room Chatter

• Closing

BTR Creative Nexus Hosts:
Natasha Head and Roger Allen Baut

Founding NWCU Coordinators

Susie Clevenger • Joanne Young Elliott •  Leslie Moon • Beth Winter
NWCU Coordinators


  1. Always slow on the uptake, but will give it a whirl

  2. Hi there! Been listening on my iphone as I away from computer!
    Good discussion tonight. Joanie

    1. Hi Joan! Thanks so much for tuning in! So glad you enjoyed the show!

      Roger ☺

  3. A source I use for inspiration and healing:

    Tami Briggs, Women as Healers: Voices of Vibrancy
    CD included in package

    I attended a workshop at a Community Church and Tami brought her harp.
    She should many case histories featuring the study of music and its impact on structure and form. Ongoing healing through music --

    It was incredible to see cyrstals form beautifully when in the music space!

    CD of harp music "Calm as the Night" Music for deep Relaxation and Sleep"
    Tami works with Hospice and takes her harp into homes and hospitals.
    Simply an incredible story -- from a person right here in Northwest Arkansas!

    Just thought I would pass this along tonight!

    1. Hi again Joan! Thanks so much for passing along the information! The recommendation on the CD of harp music sounds wonderful! I'm looking forward to hearing that to love music for deep relaxation!

      Thanks again Joan!

      Roger ☺
