Thursday, February 16, 2012

FAQ'S ~ What Do I Do Now?

One of the frequently asked questions by members, especially new members, is: "So, I'm a member  of the New World Creative Union (NWCU), "What do I do now?"

First please become familiar with what this group's purpose/concept is about: The primary 'purpose' of this group is to bring 'artists' and 'artisans' together for their mutal benefit, support, information, interaction, AND to 'promote' each other's work.
When we speak of 'artists,' we are speaking of the creative folk who produce paintings, drawings, sketches, murals, photographs, writings, videos, music, poetry, dance, et cetera; not just 'one' of those groups, or a combination such as videos/paintings, et cetera. Please help us to build an 'ecletic' group for the NWCU.
When we speak of 'artisans' we are talking about all the creative folk who create items that may be functional or strictly decorative, such as: stained glass, jewellery, decorative pieces, clothing, et cetera. Please help us add these people to our group too.
• We are seeking 'quality' not 'quantity' members. Anyone may label himself or herself as this or 'that,' but may, in reality, not be.
When we speak of mutal benefit, support, information, interaction, AND to 'promote' each other's work, we are talking not only about 'us' doing that for you, BUT, 'you' doing that for the other members of this group. It is 'not' up to Natasha or myself to do 'everything', but 'you' too.
"If we are to survive and 'progress' as a 'species' and have a healthy biosphere to live in, it can only be acheived, by all of 'us' working for the 'mutual' benefit of each other, and the planet.

~Roger Allen Baut

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