Saturday, October 4, 2014

Beth Winter named Silver Phoenix Award w/Star recipient

The Silver Phoenix Award for Merit

The New World Creative Union (NWCU) Silver Phoenix Award was established in the Autumn of 2012, and is awarded for the following reasons.

1. To designate anyone who has won in 'any' of our 'special events' categories, such as the NWCU Autumn Kick-Off event.

2. To anyone who has 'demonstrated' a high level of 'liking,' 'sharing,' or 'promoting' of the NWCU, as well as sharing other artist's, artisan's, and writer's commendable creative endeavors.

3. Provided exceptional assistance/service to the NWCU, in general.

4. This award, for numbers 2 and 3, will be made at the discretion of an active founder and admin of the NWCU.

Silver Phoenix Award w/Star for 2014

Beth Winter, a coordinator and admin of the NWCU, became the first recipient of the Silver Phoenix Award in the Autumn of 2012, in our NWCU Autumn Kick-Off event for September 22 and 23, for her winning composition, entitled, Peek-at-Beth.

Since then, Beth has gone on to:

1. Demonstrate a high level of 'sharing,' and 'promoting' of the NWCU.
2. Lead our NWCU Sunday Book Talk events, presenting a fascinating series of books from Zen and the Art of Archery, by Eugen Hegel, to Phoenix Rising, by Mary Summer Rain.
3. Provided commendable assistance/service to the NWCU, and members, as well as overall maintenance of the group.
4. Demonstrate exceptional skill in her field of poetry and photography.

Please join me in congratulating Beth on being designated a recipient of the first Silver Phoenix Award w/Star. This award/badge may be added to any of her sites as recognition of her achievements.

Roger Allen Baut, co-founder and admin of the NWCU

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